
Star Citizen 2.4: Persistence Starts Here!

Whorl up, gyre up! Come up on in and get your dose of persistence! The highly anticipated Star Citizen version ii.four has been made available to all backers!

That's right folks, today we bring you news of the offset ever persistent version of the Star Denizen Persistent Universe! Those of y'all who have been following the game closely volition no doubt already be aware and similar me take been massively anticipating (and mayhap even testing on the test universe servers CIG run) this latest huge milestone in Star Denizen'south evolution. Well, as we leaked last month, 2.iv is here and it brings with information technology a huge corporeality of new functionality and content. I'm happy to say that the leak itself was largely accurate and our decision to publish it worthwhile.

Due to the huge update, we'll forego our usually monthly report on Star Citizen to focus on the game systems which have arrived with 2.4 with ane unmarried exception that I'll come to at the end.


Yes, in case it wasn't obvious withal, Star Citizen ii.4 brings with it the first implementation of persistence! CIG take given every backer some alpha currency (aUEC) for testing the initial persistence in game. Upwardly until now, your Star Citizen backer account has only contained the data for what you lot have bought on it in the real world via the website. In session, y'all only had the reputation, items you found etc for that private game session. Every bit soon as you logged out, your account was reset to what you started the game with. Well, no longer! For the first fourth dimension in Star Denizen, the actions you lot accept in game will persist between sessions. At a high level, this includes the following:

  • Credits balance
  • Reputation (criminal
  • Items purchased
  • Transport loadouts
  • Hangar configuration
  • Graphic symbol loadouts

This is the big one folks. Although at this stage the currency is just an alpha version and information technology is being used for balancing and testing cost of items vs. rewards for missions etc and volition be periodically reset as it is balanced, the gameplay mechanics have now inverse substantially.

Yous can now earn credits for what are being billed every bit "pirate" and "defender" missions, equally well every bit other general exploration/combat missions etc. These credits will remain on your account (until the next reset) and buy items with these credits. This includes FPS weapons, ammunition, wearing apparel and armour. In add-on, having your ship repaired will at present cost credits, as will restocking its munitions (ballistic guns and missiles) and refueling.

Further, should your ship be blown upward, a timer is implemented before information technology can exist requested once again after respawning at Port Olisar. This is an introductory and temporary version of the insurance mechanic which will take upshot down the line in the game and smaller ships will be available again quicker than larger ships. In add-on, the player can pay a credit fee to "expedite" the insurance visitor giving you a replacement ship.
Needless to say, this changes the dynamic of the Star Denizen universe significantly. Adding a price to most actions and making players think about how they want to play the game.

For full details, bank check out the Star Citizen 2.4 Comm-link here.

New Ships!

The CIG team have been working abroad on send models too. Added with the 2.four patch are 2 new ships for players to see and play with. The MISC Reliant is now hangar prepare for backers to view in their hangars and enter/leave look around. The Reliant is a trading starter ship.

The MISC Reliant, coming to a hangar well-nigh you...

Additionally, CIG accept completed initial flight modelling on the MASSIVE MISC Starfarer and Starfarer Gemini (military model). The Starfarer is a fuel refining and refuelling ship. Information technology is the first of the really big multi-coiffure ships that CIG have implemented being 100 metres long and with a zippo cargo mass of 350,000 Kg. Needless to say, in a properly physically modelled game, this thing is huge and has some massive inertia when flying in nothing G. Some people are already using them as FPS arenas since the interiors are huge.


Both ArcCorp and Port Olisar now take shops where players can spend their hard earned aUEC.
Cubby Blast in ArcCorp now sells FPS weapons as well as armour and flight suits which players can buy and equip.

Live Fire Weapons offers FPS weapons in Port Olisar.

Garrity Defence force has flying suits and armour bachelor for players to try on and buy in Port Olisar.

Of grade, whatever items you purchase will persist between sessions as role of the new persistence congenital in to 2.4.

Guns, who doesn't honey some proficient guns?!

Holo-table is no more! (for at present)

The much maligned holo-table feel has been removed from Star Citizen (temporarily). It is likely to make a return much later in a reworked style. In the meantime, ship loadouts are accessed and modified by the Port Modification app on your mobiGlas in game. Swapping out guns, shield generators, power plants, missile pylons etc volition now persist between game sessions and you finer take two different loadout setups per send. If you lot modify your send while in the Hangar, this loadout volition be used for Loonshit Commander flying, while if you alter it in Port Olisar, this will persist for the baby universe.

The new Port Modification app...

Game Systems!

The big modify here is the bounty and reputation system. Players who complete enough "goody" missions (such equally repairing comm arrays or the Interstellar Cartographer missions) will be offered a contract from Crusader Industries to protect Security Mail service Kareah from "baddies" who are trying to infiltrate information technology and wipe their criminal records.

Similarly, Outlaws in Crusader are getting more than organised too and volition be offered missions to kill the Defenders. Reputation will persist between sessions and hacking the final in Kareah will reduce/remove your wanted level if you're an outlaw. Performing "bad" actions will instantly remove your Defender condition and place you lot at Wanted level i. All of these missions will advantage the respective sides with aUEC for your ship repair and weapon/armour purchasing needs.

The Politics of Star Citizen

As for the not 2.4 update. A little comm-link which I know many don't read defenseless my middle last month. Periodically, CIG put out in game news pieces to familiarise players with the game universe. Congress Now is a series which periodically details what occurs in the UEE senate. Y'all can view the total details here, merely the short version is that it would appear the UEE is going through its very ain version of Trumpism. Senator Yori Co has proposed Amendment 27 be attached to a supplemental appropriations neb. Subpoena 27 is aimed specifically at excluding not-humans from voting in the UEE senate, regardless of whether they are in fact a legitimately elected senator or not.

Ultimately the attempt to attach Amendment 27 failed and the appropriations bill passed without any other holdups, even so the point is obvious. The issue has been raised, and surely the voices for something similar this will merely abound louder. How the UEE will react remains to be seen...

Final Note!

CIG have significantly inverse the control layout for the game. If y'all're used to the existing setup or have your own fundamental bindings setup, it is likely yous volition need to re-familiarise yourself with the control scheme or rebind your preferred setup. Also, another note on the early access testing group which stirred some controversy when it was commencement announced by CIG. It has been a resounding success! CIG selected very active users to be an advanced testing group chosen the "Evocati" (avocados in Reddit parlance). This grouping had sectional access to the PTU build initially. 492 backers logged in 25,602 times across the eight builds and provided 1,401 bug reports. If yous want to be considered for the Evocati program in the future, make certain you're agile in testing new builds and taking part on the Issue Council triage department of the website where bugs are reproduced and prioritised.

That's all for at present folks! Come across yous in the (persistent!) 'verse!


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